Daily Prompt: Tainted Love

Daily Prompt: Tainted Love

 Ever been dumped by a boyfriend or girlfriend? Was it a total surprise, or something you saw coming? Tell us your best worst breakup story. Never been the dumpee, always the dumper? Relate the story of a friend who got unceremoniously kicked to the curb. Change the names to protect the innocent if you must.


WordPress is quiet tonight.  It’s Friday.  People have better things to do on Friday night, I suppose.
Me too.
Yeah, that’s right.  I really shouldn’t be working on this post right now but, it seems, I have a little time.  I have a date for the cinema tonight with Nicole though.  Hmm?  Yeah, Nicole.
Nicole, she’s an actress, maybe you’ve heard of her.
Movie’s at 9 so I have some time.
Nicole and I?  I mean, Nicole and me?
Yeah, yeah we’re old friends.
Go way back.
She’s coming into town tonight and I expect her to call when her flight gets in.  We’re going to go see The Dallas Fight Club. I think that’s the name of it.  I don’t know much about it but I heard that Harding chick is in it.  She’s a pretty good actress I guess.
Not as good as Nicole though.  Nicole’s brilliant.  Remember that movie she was in with the boats and the serial killer guy.  What was the name of that movie?  That was her big break, you know.  Before that movie we all just called her Nicky.
Maybe it was ‘The Dead Sea’?  No, no, no it was ‘The Dead Quiet’ or ‘The Calm and the Dead’. Yeah, that’s it.  Then she got to be in ‘Batman’ and after that she was that ‘French dancing girl’.  Yeah, she’s brilliant.
Hang on, that might be Nicky on the horn right now… “Hello”… “Who’s this?”… “American Express?” … “Sorry, no, he’s not in right now but, I can tell him you called.”… “Ok, great.  Yeah, I sure will”… “Uh huh, you too. OK. thanks.”
Sorry about that.  Wrong number.  Happens all the time.
Nicky should be ringing any minute now.  Her plane was supposed to land about 10 minutes ago but you know, they gotta taxi to the terminal and deplane and stuff.  It’s gonna be great to see her again.
The weather back east is pretty bad.  I bet her flight’s been delayed.
I can’t wait around for her all night though.  Lots of other things I could be doing.
I’ll send her a text, let her know something has come up and suggest we get together for breakfast.
Yeah, that’s what I’ll do.
