

The days of the week lined up like buckets, ready to catch whatever fell in, an endless procession of monotony. Never changing, ever the same. This world and the people in it were dark and incomprehensible to me. I tried to clear my way with logic but, found myself moving through life with no goal – no purpose. Like an automaton, letting the days fill with whatever happened to happen.

That all changed the morning I first saw her. I watched as she carried her coffee to the table by the window, moving softly in the sunlight. I watched the rays illuminate her eyes and her golden hair. Without speaking a word or even glancing in my direction she let me know that I had gotten it all wrong. She silently taught me that I had to take control of my days and in so doing, take control of my life. Intuitively, I understood that I would occasionally need to turn those buckets over and stand atop them in order to attain a broad enough perspective to chart a proper course. In order to master my own destiny I must control what fills my days. I saw clearly that I need not simply accept whatever fell my way.

Emboldened, I seized the opportunity and strode to where she sat alone, reading and cradling her mug. “Good morning,” I said, “I saw you here and wanted to introduce myself.” I extended my hand.

She looked up at me and I was mesmerized by the changing shades of sunlight curling through her hair. We shook hands. “I’m Claire,” she said and laughed. “Please, have a seat.” Her smile was warm; warmer than the summer sunshine streaming through the window beside her.


3rd Place in the Speakeasy this week!
I’m smilin’

15 thoughts on “Claire

  1. georgiakevin

    Your blog captured this reader’s focus from the very beginning of your blog and had my attention all the way through to the end. I was disappointed when I had reached the end of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Jennifer G. Knoblock

    Loved this: “turn those buckets over and stand atop them in order to attain a broad enough perspective.” That first paragraph–you have captured this (familiar) feeling so vividly!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you liked this and note that it is not reality or personal at all. All you read above is fiction. I’m just playing with words and prompts. But again, I’m glad you liked it! Thanks.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the delicacy and the beauty in his observations of her, and the fact that just the simplicity of her presence picks him up out of his rut. I’m not sure if it’s intentional but this seems to echo your gargleblaster, as though deepening and enriching that story. Really lovely, Thom.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Christine

    OMG and I love what you connected this to your gargleblaster!! Love love love! Brilliant idea, and beautifully executed. You are shining this week, Thom!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love how you used the bucket as a figurative prop. For me the mention of having coffee by the window instantly set me down in a coffee shop. And I love how the changing shades of sunlight curled through her hair just like that line curled into your gargleblaster (which I totally voted for, btw).

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: winners of the speakeasy at yeah write #180 | the speakeasy at yeah write

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