Owls and Auks

  I wrote this for the March 28th Flash Fiction Challenge

He chose to stand atop a grand eminence, banked by steep outcroppings; a sentry, ever vigilant who watches over the Pacific.  He has stood this post for more than fifteen hundred years. He is a giant towering over 300 feet high. He is massive, with a base of more than 30 feet in diameter. A Giant Coastal Redwood, a landmark with owls and auks living amongst his branches.

I come here to admire him from time to time. I always come alone. I am humbled.

Majestuoso y eminente, por derecho propio, es bien conocido a lo largo de esta costa.

The prompt and instructions were:

In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story that uses the word eminence. It’s a rich word full of different meanings. Explore how it sounds or how you might play with it. Go where the prompt leads!

7 thoughts on “Owls and Auks

    1. Are you moving to Alaska? If so, you are stronger than I!
      I love the redwood that stands in my neighbors yard, next to my fence. It’s a young one though, probably between 70 and 100 years old.


      1. I am. 8 miles from Denali… Talk about majesty… but I’m still gonna miss the Redwoods. We have one in the yard but my favorites reside in Armstrong Woods about 20 minutes from my house…


  1. The title and subsequent phrase roll the way beautiful language does in setting up good imagery. Then that final Spanish conclusion that enhances the flow and majesty of the piece.


  2. Pingback: Eminence « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

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