Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line

Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line

Have you got a code you live by? What are the principles or set of values you actively apply in your life?

You toe the line, when you are not causing trouble
You walk a straight line, when you are not seeing double

“I Walk the Line” is a song by Johnny Cash
Glen Campbell recorded “Witchita Lineman” in the late 60’s, I think

Clothes drying on the line
Norwegian or Carnival Cruise line
Draw a line in the sand
Fuel line
Go to the end of the line
Line dancing
Don’t cross that line
Phone line
Poverty line
Line of coke
Betting line
“What line of work are you in?”
Mason Dixon Line
Parallel lines
Party line
Stand in line
Wait in line

Me, I have a tendency to dance along the edge. The edge is kind of a line. But in order to do that more than once you take pains to minimize the risks.

  2. Life | Kate Murray
  3. Texting Or Talking? | The Jittery Goat
  4. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | The WordPress C(h)ronicle
  5. Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | mayeverydayahappyday
  6. Revelation | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  7. Patriot | Perspectives on life, universe and everything
  8. DP Daily Prompt: I Walk the Line | Sabethville
  9. Don’t be a d*ck. | thoughtsofrkh
  10. Walk the Line: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA’S BLOG: IT’LL BLOW YOUR MIND!
  11. do your best and leave the rest to fortuosity | eastelmhurst.a.go.go
  12. This teacher’s code | One Educator’s Life
  13. Cherish Time | wisskko’s blog