
I am an old guy who likes calamari, tortilla chips, flying discs, dogs, and ice hockey. I used to bore holes in the ocean and now…I live day to day, trying to appreciate each one fully.

I have been a writer for years although I would never have described myself as such.  In my days I have written fiction, technical, and other stuff.  I spent years writing technical and business communication to people who spoke English albeit not as their first or primary language.  These are the friends who encouraged me to pursue writing.  These are the friends who said I had an uncanny ability to make things clear for them.

I’ve been playing around with “Flash Fiction” and “Micro Fiction”. I found prompt sites to be good for this and I have found quite a few on WordPress that have been fun. The problem is that they tend to come and go. Some of my favourites have included Trifecta, The Blog Propellant, Grammar Ghoul Press, and the Daily Prompt.

I’ve now expanded my curiosity and investigations to include poetry. I recently participated in a veterans poetry group. One of the other participants had been a doctor in Vietnam and he told us about finding poems in the pockets of the dead and wounded soldiers that he treated; soldiers from both sides. Think about that – that’s pretty powerful stuff.

I enjoy the idea of just writing. It intrigues me and I’m practicing. I’ve set up a site, The New, Unofficial, On-line Writer’s Guild, to provide prompts of my own and a couple of us actually play there. Come on over and give it a go. There are really no rules but I would love to see what you write.

Your feedback is appreciated and thanks for reading my stuff.  Note that I believe:

Pingbacks are cool
Comments are super cool
Likes are the ultimate

I want to thank each and every one of you who have opted to follow my blog.  I don’t take this lightly and hope that I can continue to live up to your expectations.


68 thoughts on “Aboot!

    1. I don’t mind at all. This is an incredible honor, especially receiving the nomination from someone with as much talent as you possess. Thank you sir!


  1. Pingback: The Best Moment Award: Living for the Now and for Mom’s Penguin Stories « psychologistmimi

  2. Hi Tnkerr…just wanted to say a huge thanks for all the “likes” on my A to Z…I’m honored that you’d read my “bavardage” ! I love your posts, you have a great way with words and characters.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks so much for the encouragement and for the advice ! Generally speaking I avoid all parks at night but I am now wondering if you have a story lurking somewhere in that comment?


  3. Greetings Thom, Mo wants you to have one of the highly coveted Fat Girl in Boxing Gloves Friday the 13th prizes (re: Yeah Write Moonshine last week’s post). Hahahahaha. So email me your mailing address, and I’ll send it off. Best, Karen


  4. So we believe you received an ultimate for Aboot and here is the ‘super cool’ effect. From the above ‘super cool’ effects, we could grasp that you are a well established blogger already. Keep up the blogging and keep us engaged. :-)Thank you for stopping by our blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi there Tnkrr! Great blog! Very entertaining! I have a question, how are you inserting all of the pingbacks after writing a daily prompt? I can’t figure out how you are doing that without physically clicking on each link and doing the html code manually. Please share your enlightening ways. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Swoosieque – its pretty easy to do if you are working in the old school post editor (not the new Boop, boop, boop one that they recently added). What I do is from the daily prompt page ‘select’ all the entries on the grid (and only the grid entries).
      Right click and copy (or Control+C)
      Go back to your post editor and position the cursor where you want to add the links
      Right click and paste (or Control+V)
      That’s pretty much all there is to it. Let me know if you have any problems.


  6. I like your writing style imprinted of “vocabulary” and easy going words. It makes me in the mood to do better.
    It s fresh and on going.
    Wishing you a great day.


  7. TN – Just a quick note which you can delete…There is a 404 error on your inlinkz url. Please let me know when you get it fixed and I will change the url. 🙂 Be well… ^..^ P.S. I love your blog and thanks for linking my WP Photo Challenges too!


  8. Pingback: Crowd Writing 4/The Gardener: Story #1 | The Blog Propellant

    1. Thanks Susan – truly an honor. I may never do anything with it, which is a blatant violation of the rules but I am touched and happy that you thought of me.
      All the best – stay well.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi! I stumbled on your blog because of our mutual appreciation of GrammarGhoulPress. Kudos on the flash fiction and micro fiction work on your blog. I have trouble narrowing my writing to so few words myself. Looking forward to connecting! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Pingback: 1 Day 1 Quote | R. Sativus

  11. I just hopped over to say thanks for following my site. Naturally, I had to read a few things. I loved your “jangle” story. Great stuff. And the ‘Blossom’ piece is very good work — even though terribly sad. I’ll visit more when I get some more time.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. LRose

    Been since way back when that I read this page. Since TBP is defunct, maybe it’s time to delete the reference. But…you know how grateful I am that you are TBP’s forever friend? Yes?! Yes! Write on, tnk, write on.


  13. LRose

    It’s Funny Friday and I just so happen to have something funny to share (this not having a blog anymore sometimes sucks. I’ve been sharing the following with whatever platform I’ve left to my use!):
    As I get older, I realize the following…
    I talk to myself, because sometimes I need expert advice.
    I don’t need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off.
    When I was a child, I thought naptime was a punishment. Now, it’s like a mini-vacation.
    The day the world runs out of wine is just too terrible to think about.
    Wouldn’t it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller?
    “Getting lucky” these days means walking into a room and remembering why I walk in the room in the first place.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My daughter shared an article with me about things you can do with leftover wine. I thought it was pretty funny, since there’s no such thing as leftover wine.

      Liked by 2 people

  14. Pingback: Open-Source Poetry Two #2 | unbolt me

  15. Pingback: Open-Source Poetry Two #3 | unbolt me

  16. LateNightGirl.org


    lovely “Aboot”!

    I am new to prompts and only know 2 or 3, any tips? I particularly love the Carrot Ranch’s 99 Word deal and another on 3Lines.

    Could you or anyone point me to some?

    I will now sieve through your ocean of writings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for stopping by and reading. I hope you found some more things to like. There are several other prompt sites. A new one it Tuesday Scribes, I host the On-Line Writer’s Guild, Friday Fictioneers is another one. I like the variety of results you get when you give the same prompts to a variety of people. It never ceases to amaze me.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. LateNightGirl.org

        Yes, absolutely! And it is really addictive!!

        Thanks for the tips, I’ll check those out in the search.


        Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi, thank you for liking my flash fiction from Carrot Ranch. I came over to find out about you. You started in 2014 and still active in your writing, much appreciate it. So many bloggers have come and gone. I have to check out you Writer’s Guild.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Pingback: Open-Source Poetry Two #5 (Final) | unbolt me

  19. Lovely read – thanks for sharing! 😀
    If you like, I was going to link to your blog for my next Sunshine Blogger Award as a way of hopefully connecting different bloggers together. No need to do the personal quiz if you’d prefer not to, but would you like your blog signposted for new readers to check out?


  20. LRose

    I have a recommended read for you! Best American Mystery Stories, 2018, edited by Louise Penny. Every story reminds me of all the good fiction blogs I’ve trolled through the years. I’m a devotee of the publisher’s short story anthology, so I thought I’d try something from their genre specific series. Short Story series is more “literary” but this Mystery anthology did not disappoint! And none of them is a “who done it” which makes it more fun read. Check it out!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. For whatever reason, I thought to read your Aboot page again. You are good to update it (I never remember to look at mine), and so kind to keep TBP in its sights.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Pingback: Open-Source Poetry Two #4 | unbolt me

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