Of Course, There’s no Science to Support This

Photo courtesy of Barbara W. Beacham
Photo courtesy of Barbara W. Beacham


At first, it looked like an ordinary marble, but it was far from it.

It contained the known universe and initially lay near the ice cap of a much larger planet;
in a much larger universe than our own – with countless others just like it.

When the glaciers had melted there, all of the marble sized universes dispersed,
spreading across the face of the larger planet.

Some had descended to the bottom of the seas where they were crushed by tremendous pressures.
Ensuing floods extinguished their stars. All life contained therein had perished.

Some found their way to the desert floors where a fiery end awaited.

Still others were crushed by or eaten by creatures that had survived the glacial upheaval.


Ours found its way to fertile soil and waits,
waits to see what happens with the marble that is the much larger universe, lying somewhere on the surface of a still larger planet.