More Strength Than Meets the Eye

I wrote this for the May 2nd Flash Fiction Challenge

It is born from bitter winter cold
Not a nip or chill, but a biting, vicious cold
A cold that comes with long, nights, and
Northern lights
It has nothing to do with gain
It’s about diving into the water
Simply for the sake of it
It’s about laughing in the face of tragedy
It’s about mocking and defeating whatever adversity is thrown your way
Always getting up
Something akin to, yet more than,
Dogged perseverance
Intensity that thrives in the long days of summer

You are stronger than any one of us, or even you, could ever imagine

The prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about sisu. It’s a Finnish concept of enduring strength, the ability to consistently overcome. Think long-term. Go where the prompt leads!

10 thoughts on “More Strength Than Meets the Eye

  1. LRose

    TK – because you typically write in the voice of the, Oh-Woe-Is-me, self deprecator, this piece, though clearly inspired by such woe, ends up, unexpectedly, and therefore wonderfully, affirmative! A very happy read, indeed. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, I’ve never been further north in Finland than Helsinki; so a little license may have been taken, but I don’t think I over-reached too much.


  2. Coming to this post late–but I love your piece. I love the concept of sisu, something I’ve studied a bit for my current WIP. If you want more, the book _The Finnish Way_ by Katja Pantzar was a fun read on sisu!

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  3. Pingback: Sisu « Carrot Ranch Literary Community

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